Wednesday, March 11, 2009


 Go to the author's webpage

Book One: Unwind
Book Two: Unwholly
Book Three: Unsouled
Book Four: Undivided
Companion: Unbound


  1. Jaden Brown
    Scheller 1
    the setting of my book unwind is in the present but there's this new thing called unwinding. being unwound is like being murdered but in this book your parent gets to decide if your going to be unwound by the age of 18 .if they think your not going to be a good person or if your not going to be a good person they will have you this book the main character is going to be unwound and this effects a lot of his decisions. most of the time he's very nervous because he ran away from his parents so he can survive until hes 18,because when your 18 you can't be unwound anymore.

  2. Sam Rosas
    Scheller 1st Hour

    The setting of Unwind is set in a dystopian society where "bad kids" are unwound aka all there organs are donated against there will. This affects characters in a very negative way. One of the characters named Connor literally has to run away from his family and from cops because his parents signed something that lets them unwind him. This has to have a lot of mental strain and physically because at some points hes literally getting chased by the cops on a highway.Also something I forgot to say is once you turn 18 they dont have the right to unwound you anymore. All the people im this society think that once you are unwound you still live on but divided which is pretty messed up.

  3. Brittanie White
    Mrs.Scheller 2

    Unwind in based in a future like setting but don´t have any different technology from today. This story is based in Ohio. These kids who find out they are being unwound begin at home and then take a dangerous move to go on the run. There are many obstacles in the city like being caught by anyone, phones being tracked to their location, and people who can actually be trusted. From the age of 13 to 18 your parents may have you unwound. Once you turn 18 it is fair game. The social setting affects every kid differently at first because they all have different flash back stories. Kids who are unwound are still alive but their bodies are separated. These kids will do whatever it takes to survive and make it till they are 18.

  4. Jack Luong
    Mrs. Scheller 1

    Unwind is a story based in Ohio, in a dystopian future. Parents with kids have to decide when they turn 13 to 'unwind' them or not, and it's decided if the parents think they'll be an acceptable member of society or not. If they get chosen to be unwound, they have to run away from their families and go into hiding for 5 years until they're 18, or they will be killed. The unwound can only trust the other people that were chosen to be unwound. They face many challenges trying to run away, like deciding to save someones life, trust issues, immense danger, etc. Once they turn 18, they are safe from being unwound.

  5. Dylan crites
    mrs.Scheller 3

    Unwind is based in this future type world but everything is modern day things all the tech is the same and everything seems normal but its in the future. 3 diffrent kids are finding out that there being unwound which means there going to be killed and their body parts are used for things so them finding out scared them so they run away from home because the cops are on them for not obeying the law of being unwound. You have to be 13-18 to be unwound but once u turn 18 its up to you.The first kid has flashbacks because of all the things he has to worry about and how hes going to escape. The setting is dark and quiet it seems like no one is around beside his parents, cops etc but in realty the terror really effects them in a bad way so they have to escape just to get away from realty.

  6. Greyson Wolf
    Mrs. Scheller 3

    Unwind is based in the future. The story starts in Ohio. These kids find out they were being unwound, so they make a risky decision that they should go on the run. In the story, you can be unwound between the ages of 13 to 18. After you turn 18 you can't be unwound. People that are unwound are alive but now whole, they are separated. The kids that decide to go on the run will do anything to not be caught until they turn 18. This means that the kids are very desperate, and will use any means necessary to survive.

  7. Ethan Bailey
    Mrs. Scheller 3rd

    unwind is based sorta in the future and with some different kind of technology. The book takes place in Ohio. The main kids in this story find out they are going to be unwound (which is kinda the name of the book) and they make a run for it away from there problems or at least the try too. The reason i say they try to is because they run into many obstacles along the way which make this journey along the way very difficult. They have to get rid of all their belongings to make sure that they are safe in the long run, and they cant go home until they turn 18 which is the age where they cant be unwound anymore. The kids that are unwound are still "alive" but their bodies are separated from their minds.

  8. Taylor Hill
    Mrs.Scheller 3
    In the book Unwind written by Neal Shusterman,the story takes place in Ohio. The setting is a dystopia place where they have the technology that we do but they are in the future. This affects they kids in th story because as one of the main kids was trying to run away he left his phone on therefor the "police" could and did catch and tract him. The kids are on the run and they are in a popular are they will have a harder time running away in modern technology time than maybe if it was set in a time before cars and phones.

  9. Alec Berner
    Mrs.Scheller 4
    Unwind by Neal Shusterman is set in the future in Ohio where 3 kids have run away to avoid being unwound. Although the book is set to have taken place in the future the technology is very similar to what we have today, making it difficult for the 3 kids to avoid being caught. After reading a little bit more of the book the 3 kids start to show more maturity and make slightly less terrible choices.

  10. mrs.scheller
    4th hour
    chris walters

    Unwind is a story based in Ohio, in a dystopian future. Parents with kids have to decide when they turn 13 to unwind them or not, and it's decided if the parents think they'll be an acceptable member of society or not. If they get chosen to be unwound, they have to run away from their families and go into hiding for years until they're 18, or they will be unwounded. The unwound can only trust other people that were chosen to be unwound. They face many challenges trying to run away, like deciding to save someones life, trust issues, immense danger, etc. Once they turn 18, they are safe from being unwound

  11. Ethan Simerda
    Mrs.Scheller 4
    In the novel Unwind written by Neal Shusterman, The story takes place in a dystopian future after the second civil war that was fought over the issue of abortion. To make a compromise between both sides the government passed a bill called the bill of life, where after conception you cannot end the childs life until they are 13 to 18, Then the parent can judge their childs life to see if they are worthy to keep on living or if they should be unwound. The setting affects the main characters Connor, Risa, and Lev because they are all going to be unwound then meet up in a chaotic circumstance and then are on the run from the law until they are all 18.

  12. Carter Rives
    Mrs. Scheller 4th hour
    In the book Unwind by Neal Shusterman the setting takes place in a dystopian future after a war. This war was inside the USA it was a civil war. It was caused by one argument, abortion. There was the pro-life side and the pro-choice side. The war was ended thanks to a bill added to the constitution, The Bill of Life. This bill stated that a mother if pregnant had to give birth but if the child turned out to be a screw-up then the parents had a choice. They could Unwind the child, this would take every single part of the child and make them usable for replacements for others who needed them. This would not kill the child, it would transform them into a different state. The ages that unwinding is allowed is ages 13-18. The surplus amount of organs and other parts have completely changed society. Scientists no longer look for cures, fatal accidents in the past can now be fixed and it ensures that the people who have nothing to give to society can give to those who will contribute. This is the view of most people, but a large portion of the children scheduled to be unwound do not share this view. A lot of children are desperate and you can feel this when reading. This setting of a harsh world that unwinds the screw-ups can really scar the kids in the story.

  13. jaden brown
    mrs.scheller 1st hour
    In the book unwind there s a lot of bad choices made,but theirs one person that ,makes a few bad choices so i'll be talking about him today. connor, the first person that is introduced to the book is being unwind by his parents so, he wants to run away.The thing is when he runs away he tries to bring this girl with him and shes saying she doesn't want to come anymore the time he wasted on her could have been used on getting away.While he's running away he runs into a very nice truck driver that offers to give him a ride out of town, which is putting connor and the d river in danger because theres juve cops looking for connor. connor gets the driver and him caught because of his phone they were tracking him from. connor was asleep when they were tracking him so when he woke up they already were there to take him back home.When the police try to handcuff he runs away again and gets away.all these bad decision he made put other peoples lives in danger.

  14. jaden brown
    mrs.scheller 1st hour
    how do you guys like the book so far?

    How do you feel about the kids being unwind?

    1. I personally think the practice of being unwound is horrible and inhumane. Everyone is unique and has potential it may just be harder to find than others.

    2. Taylor Hill
      Mrs. Scheller 3 hour

      I agree, being unwound is a horrible horrible thing to do or even think about doing to someone. I like the book so far and i think its a interesting topic to think about and read about. Its definitely not something I ever thought I'd read about but I enjoy reading it.

  15. Brittanie White
    Mrs.Scheller 2

    There is always that one person. Whether it be real life or fictional. The one person who is vindictive and psychologically manipulative. Roland fits that character. He says and does stuff that makes people think he is good when in reality he is controlling them and changing their mind but they do not know it. I do not agree with this. This is what you would refer to as being fake. He is acting this way because he did not get what he wanted in life and he is a boeuf so he has the size and intimidation to get what he wants. The other kids like him but they don´t know him like Risa and Connor do. Roland is after Connor. Its only a matter of time before something must be done.

  16. How do you feel about the major dramatic irony between Lev and Connor?

  17. Taylor Hill
    Mrs.Scheller 3 hour

    In the part of the book that I'm reading it is the story that Connor is telling everyone about the baby that was passed around the neighborhood and then died. I think that the people in the neighborhood were doing the wrong thing to the baby. Someone should have taken the baby and gave it a home because the baby got sick and died because it was outside to long. Having another baby in your house could not have been that big of a deal especially because everyone who passed it on was crying at the funeral and felt bad like they should have done something.

    1. Carter Rives
      They all cried at the funeral because they all realized they could have done something to prevent the baby dying after the fact it died, their mindset before hand was not very good thinking they could make the baby someone else's problem. Then they realized how bad their mindset was after the baby had died it was too late.

  18. Ethan Bailey
    Mrs. Scheller 3

    In unwind everyone has to make decisions that aren't really the greatest decisions but one characters actions I really disagree with are Rolands. He is just that typical guy that is much bigger than everyone else in the little hidey hole and hes just trying to be a leader but hes not very bright. He also does stuff that is very controlling but the people with him are to blind to catch onto it. I just dont agree with him controlling people that aren't the brightest people to catch on too (unless your name is Risa then you are more intelligent than most of the people there when it comes to survival)

    1. Greyson Wolf

      I agree, I dislike Roland for his actions also. But I don't agree with your statement saying "hes not very bright". I believe that it is a cover. I think if someone is able to control people, they are pretty smart. I believe Roland uses intimidation and manipulation to control people.

    2. Jack Luong

      I don't really agree with the "he's not very bright" statement due to the fact that it takes someone smart to control people and that is a skill in itself to perform. Like controlling people to do what you want for yourself / personal gain.

  19. Greyson Wolf
    Mrs. Scheller 3

    In Unwind many people make bad decisions, but I really disagree with Roland's actions. When Connor and Risa were hiding in a nice woman's basement of her shop, they met Roland. Roland is a big intimidating person, and he is very manipulative. He acts dumb, but he is actually intelligent. He uses manipulation to get other kids to look up to him as a leader. After he gets enough kids on his side, Roland tries to under throw the leader of the group. All Roland wants to do is be in charge. I think he is going about becoming a leader the wrong way.

    1. Ethan Bailey
      I agree that Roland is just a bad person and that he may be one that truly needs to be unwound for trying to be a leader by making people look up to him and also that he is a huge jerk to Conner when Conner just got to the hidey hole place

    2. How do you feel about the first time the many bad / dumb decisions characters were sometimes forced to make in unwind? Do you think they were justified or just dumb for the sake of it.

  20. In the book Unwind there are really dumb choices there are made for survival like Lev taking a bite out of Connors forearm, and in the early parts of the book Lev isn't trusted by Connor and Risa because they're saving him and literally just met him after Lev bit him. Which is totally reasonable not trusting him. The book starts off with Connor going AWOL because he knows he's gonna get unwound so while hes running away he takes a girl with him who doesn't want to go with him anymore and so he feels like he's wasting time and putting himself at more risk. Connor is in a very dangerous position right now at being unwound and I understand why he's doing this and I don't agree with some of it because he gets forced to kill during the book.

    1. Carter Rives
      Scheller 4
      A lot of these decisions they made were actually very beneficial for their survival. Lev took a bite out of Conner's forearm because he was being held hostage so in order to get away from harm he bit Connor's forearm, a really dumb decision though is Connor saving the storked baby there was no need to do that for his survival.

  21. Jack Luong
    Mrs. Scheller 3rd

    In the book Unwind there are really dumb choices there are made for survival like Lev taking a bite out of Connors forearm, and in the early parts of the book Lev isn't trusted by Connor and Risa because they're saving him and literally just met him after Lev bit him. Which is totally reasonable not trusting him. The book starts off with Connor going AWOL because he knows he's gonna get unwound so while hes running away he takes a girl with him who doesn't want to go with him anymore and so he feels like he's wasting time and putting himself at more risk. Connor is in a very dangerous position right now at being unwound and I understand why he's doing this and I don't agree with some of it because he gets forced to kill during the book.

    1. Greyson Wolf

      I disagree with you saying Connor has made the worst decsions. He did knock a juvey cop out with his tranq pistol. But he also saved a storked baby from going to a home who didn't want the baby. I also don't think Connor has been forced to kill. He has been in fights, but none of them ended with the other person dead.

    2. Dylan crites

      I think connor did some bad things like been in fights and forced to kill but i dont think he made the worst decsions he did save a storked baby going to a bad home so he isnt all bad just makes mistakes once and a while

  22. Dylan crites
    mrs Scheller 3

    Theres one person who is vindictive and psychologically manipulative Roland is one of those characters he says things that sound good and looks good but in reailty he's taking over there mind and controlling them and they dont know it i dont agree with this because it could be a fake he acted this way because he didnt get want he wanted in life so he tries to get what he wants his way only Risa and Connor know but Roland is going after Connor so things must change.

  23. Taylor Hill
    Mrs. 3 hour

    Do you think the kids will make it through without getting caught, with or without the baby, and do you think the baby helps or hurts thier chances of not getting unwound?

    1. Ethan Simerda
      Mrs.Scheller 4

      I belive the the main 3 characters will make it thought without getting caught but I also believe that some important side characters will be caught for the purpose of advancing the plot. And about the baby i do not believe that she will be apart of the rest of this books story, but maybe the next couple of books.

  24. Dylan crites
    mrs Scheller 3

    how do yall feel about this book so far?

    do u like it?

  25. Carter Rives
    Scheller 4

    The one character in the book with which actions, values, behavior I disagree with is Roland. Roland has a very manipulative type personality and he also wants to be in charge of any group he's in. The reason Roland is thinking this way is really unknown, we don't get a ton of insight on his fact besides why he got the order to be unwound. This could also lead us to believe Roland didn't have the greatest childhood so maybe that's why he acts this way. There is multiple things wrong with the things Roland does,Take the scene where Roland pins Risa against a wall and threatens to basically rape her to get a reaction out of Connor. His actions and mindset are in the wrong.

  26. Ethan Simerda
    Mrs. Scheller 4
    Out of all the characters I have been introduced too through the story the character I disagree the most with is Roland. This character is one of those people who you instantly know will cause a problem. One of the things that I disagree with him doing is while Risa was using the restroom Roland walked in and then proceeded to sexually assault Risa. The reason he is doing these things is to intimidate or insult Connor to get him to retaliate. And I know this will only cause a even bigger problems for the main characters since they will most likely be spending more time being around on another.

  27. in the part of the book that I'm at the three of them have gotten to the abandoned hanger and have been working for the Admiral and Connor has been assigned to figure out who killed the five "goldens" who have been helping run everything with the Admiral. My problem is with Lev whos become more like Roland as the story follows him, hes began to not care about Connor and Risa and has gone off and tried to begin getting back at the world for offering him up to be unwound, the plan however hasn't been made, so far all he's done is volunteer to go on a "work call".

    1. I think that Lev has been acting this way because of whatever it was that happened after "CyFi" went back "home". Whatever he went through has made his life change so significantly and have a different aspect of being a Tithe. I think he will come around and respect everything that Connor and Risa have done for him and he will pay them back in a way that we wouldn't even think about.

  28. so far the books actually pretty good, I hadn't really expected it to be.

  29. who thinks that either Connor, Risa, or Lev will be unwound by the end of the book, how do you think it will happen if it does, and what choices or events do you think will make it happen or not happen?

    1. I do not think that Connor, Risa, Or Lev will be unwound, But I do belive that some important side character will be unwound. Most likely someone will rat out the grave yard and all of the unwinds will be found or run away.

    2. i think that connor got away in the first chapter so we'll probably never hear from him again. i think risa is going to get caught because of an none cautious mistake and lev will never be found.

    3. I hope all of them will not be unwound but i think that there will be some big problems coming up and they will really show how strong they all are mentally and physically. I feel as though Lev is the weakest but i guess we will see how everything works out.

  30. i think the most important conflict in the book is being unwind.i think that is the biggest conflict because if it wasn't in the book then the book wouldn't be a thing. Every chapter is about a different person being unwind. i don't think its right that they takes someones life before they can see what they are going to be one day but that's just their way of making sure the earth has enough space.

  31. what's your guys favorite part of the book. mine is when connor got away in the begin because he seemed like a good guy and a person that could be something one day, but what is your favorite part?

  32. Do you think the characters will make it without getting caught, with the baby, and do you think the baby will make them easier to find and they will just be unwind or not unwound?

  33. Scheller 2

    I personally think the most significant conflict was at the very beginning when Connors' phone was tracked and he was caught in the back of the portable camper belonging to the truck driver. Without this mistake and causing a highway to be shut down with all of the commotion, Connor would have not learned from his mistake that people will do whatever they can to track down an unwind. Not only did he learn this lesson but he met Risa an Lev. This was the start of the journey to surviving as an unwind. Yes, he did gain the reputation of the "Akron Awal" but this gives hi the advantage to be respected and other unwinds look up to him as if they were looking up to god.


  34. Okay, so first i just wanna say how i do not agree with unwinding and nobody deserves to be unwound... When you finally get to know what happens when you are unwound, it really hits you and makes your stomach have butterflies. That whole chapter was heart breaking, even if it was a readers' least favorite character. Maybe this will be the end. Maybe this will be the event that tells kids even the baddest of the bad will go down.

    1. I totally agree no one should ever have to go through the process of unwinding and I can't believe the things they do to these children because they were not "good enough" for the world. It's truly heart breaking and horrible to hear/read about.

  35. Jack Luong
    Schellar 3

    The biggest conflict in unwind is the people who have been chosen to be unwound and the people searching for the unwound running away. There would be no story if they chose to not run away, or disagree to it. It gets tense throughout the book, leading to characters doing things they wouldn't normally do because they're being unwound. Them having to run for a couple years until they're 18 makes you wonder if they really are gonna make it through all that time, running from very dangerous encounters, forced to make split decisions at some parts.

    1. ethan bailey
      mrs scheller
      yes i agree that the way that they figure out if they are going to be an unwind is a little iffy but if they had it to where only hardened criminals were unwinds then this story would be alot different and quite frankly not as good but it would be alright.

    2. i also agree with your statement the people that are being unwound really dont want to be unwound they pick the people that dont want to instead of the people that do want to be unwound so the people that dont want to have to suffer till there 18.

  36. Mrs Scheller 3rd
    ethan bailey
    i think the most important conflict in unwind was when conners phone got tracked at the beginning when he first ran away and was caught in the back of the truck.if this never happened he never would of met risa or that meanie lev who always seems to ruin everything. one thing that was good about this was that he started learning from his mistakes that people will do whatever they need to do to track you down if you are doing something illegal. This was the start to there journey to make it to 18 and if that didnt pan out the way it did then he might of been an unwind. Also he gained the reputation of "akron awal" which i think is a pretty cool title to be known as even thought he is keeping it a secret that he actually did it.

    1. i agree with your statement they tracked his phone so he couldnt get away with something illegal but sice he doesnt want to get unwound his phone shouldnt of been tracked he could just throw is phone away if he wanted to badly.

    2. jack luong

      how do you think the story would be if connor ran away without his phone?what would of happened if connor didnt trust anyone? i think it would make everything much harder on him because if he didnt have people to rely on he would of gotten caught much quicker.

    3. Scheller 3
      Greyson Wolf

      I have to disagree with you. Although I do believe that this was an important conflict, I think there are a few more important conflicts. If you want to think more outside the box, you could say unwinding is the most important conflict. Because unwinding is the reason all the characters in the book meet.

    4. Scheller 4
      Carter Rives

      It was a very important conflict to set in motion everything, but in the grand scheme of all the conflicts it was not the most important. But I can still see that without this beginning conflict all the other conflicts to follow would not have happened.

    5. Scheller 4
      Ethan Simerda

      I do believe that this was an important conflict in the story but i don't believe it is the most important. Yes if connor either did not bring his phone or his dad did not track his phone it would of ended up differently, but something like undwinding would be more important because it caused connor to run away in the first place.

    6. i disagree because, it does help move the story along it doesn't stop Connor from doing anything and it doesn't get him caught. Had he been arrested and maybe gotten away it would've been a much more important event but it doesn't impact the book very heavily.

  37. Scheller 3

    I believe that the most important conflict is unwinding. I think that during the Heartland War everyone just wanted it to be over, so the first thing offered both sides took it. The offer as we know it was the idea of unwinding. I do not think both sides thought through the idea of it. Now that people have had time to think about what actually happens when you get unwound, I think people want to get rid of unwinding. But people are scared to speak up, so unwinding will have to stay for a bit longer.

    1. Jack Luong
      Scheller 3

      I agree with you, unwinding is an extreme way of executing someone and certainly shouldn't stay in any society. Wouldn't life basically be the same without unwinding? Like putting all the bad people in a different part of the society instead of killing them off or them running away until they´re 18?

    2. ethan bailey
      mrs scheller
      i agree if people weren't so desperate to start and then end things so quickly then society as a whole would be better in there circumstances but if they were to think things through and read the fine print then none of this unwinding would ever happen.

    3. Scheller 4
      Carter Rives

      Unwinding as a whole is a very important conflict. So much is happening with it like parents being brainwashed by ads and the despair of a kid when he finds out he is an unwind to the juvies who take pride in their work. This is a major conflict.

  38. Taylor Hill
    Mrs. Scheller
    3rd hour
    I think the biggest conflict in the book Unwind is the way adults treat children/young adults. Firstly the unwinding process, like who tells a child that they are not good enough to make it pass the age 18. That is so horrible to think about being done to you. How would you feel if your parents came to you one day and said sorry kid you are not a good enough person to live anymore so we are going to send you to a camp place when you will die. I just think it's so unfair to the kids that they don't even get a chance to change.

    1. Scheller 3
      Greyson Wolf

      I agree with you saying that adults are the biggest conflict. The person that came up with unwinding was an adult, and he probably did not think about the children when he came up with the idea. Also it was the adults that accepted the idea of unwinding, and thought it was better than abortion.

  39. Scheller 4
    Carter Rives

    The biggest conflict in the story is an external conflict between the juvenile authorities and the unwinds. This is the most important conflict because it is life and death for the unwinds and the juvies. If the unwinds don´t act they will be unwound but if the juvies don´t act they won´t get paid and won´t be able to live. My reaction is sadness for the unwinds and anger towards the juvies. I react this way because it seems juvies take pride in their work against the unwinds.

    1. i agree about the cops enjoying their work, but the cops dont really have any negative impact on themselves if they dont do their job well, at least it doesnt show it in the book.

    2. I agree that the juvey cops are an important conflict in the story, but they are just doing their job. I do believe it is cruel that they take pride in there work but they are just following orders by the higher ups. I believe It should be that the most important conflict in the story is unwinds vs. the government.

  40. Ethan Simerda
    Scheller 4

    I believe that the most important conflict in the story is unwinding (The Bill of Life). I believe this because if the Bill of life was never created a lot of the characters would not experience what is happening to them in the novel, LIke connor going on to live a normal life, The admiral's son not being unwound, and lev also having a normal life. If there was no Bill of Life than the horrible act of unwinding would have never became a thing. That is why I believe that uwinding (The Bill of Life) is the most important conflict in the story.

  41. Scheller 4th hour
    Alec Berner

    I believe the most important conflict in the book was unwinding. Everything in the book connects to it in some way, Connor, Risa, and Lev all met because of it and the second half of the book is all of the runaways hiding out with an old man to avoid being unwound. The book starts with Connor finding out hes going to be unwound, so that gets him to leave home and gets Risa and Lev involved. Connor was also a huge part of why Lev and Risa dont get unwound in the first chapter.

  42. Scheller 2nd
    Josh kipper

    The story unwind is base around 3 people, Connor a sixteen year old, Risa a Fifteen year old, and Lev a thirteen year old. The 3 escape after a series of events into a nearby forest and not to long after they go looking for supplies to find a baby abandoned on a person doorstep.

  43. Scheller 2nd
    Josh kipper

    After finding the baby and such, they got on a bus to blend in. When they get to the school, Lev takes a chance to escape and goes to the main office and sells Risa and Connor out believing its an honor to be unwound. Then astonished by a sudden change, Lev pulls the fire alarm to help Risa and Connor escape as well. However after all it happened, they were both caught by a teacher named Hannah, who adopts the baby and helps the two escape through the underground network of runaway unwinds.
